Board of Directors

The Otter Lake Landowners’ Association (OLLA) is an association of property owners from all around Otter Lake that was formed in 1992.

OLLA’s objectives are simple and straightforward – to maintain the health of Otter Lake by working with local and regional governments, existing road associations, and individual landowners with properties on Otter Lake.   The Board liaises with the Township of Rideau Lakes, other government bodies and community leaders.  It monitors and reports on water quality, elements and events effecting the local environment, holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year.  The Board also publishes seasonal newsletters, produces and maintains a Sustainable Lake Plan, State of the Lake report, and maintains an informative website.  The Board of Directors works with the Otter Lake community on issues impacting our lakeside. 

With your OLLA membership and active participation, the Lake Association will continue its efforts to maintain and improve the sustainability of the Otter Lake environment.

The OLLA Board of Directors for 2023-2024

President Jeff Neal
Secretary & Treasurer Deb McVean
Lake Steward & Lake Plan John Burke
Current Projects Betty Large
Membership John McKenney
Communications Susan Thum
Environment & Climate Change Eric Hemel
Website Frank Croft
Government Liaison Jeff Neal