
Statement regarding privacy of information collected and maintained by OLLA on Otter Lake properties.

OLLA collects and maintains information on properties abutting Otter Lake (location of property, owner’s name and contact information, etc). Almost all of this information is acquired from already public sources or is provided voluntarily by property owners themselves. The information received remains confidential. Email addresses are included in our records for the purpose of communicating with members and sometimes non-members on matters of urgency or of particular interest concerning Otter Lake or the Association.

Please be assured that OLLA information concerning properties and owners will not be available in any manner to the general public. It is maintained for the use of the executive officers of the Otter Lake Landowners’ Association. Occasionally, trusted volunteers will be provided with some of the information in their immediate area strictly for the purpose of correcting or verifying the information. In particular, Email addresses will not be publicized in any manner that would permit spammers, commercial interests or persons other than members of the executive of OLLA to use this information to communicate with Otter Lake property owners.